Email Deployment Tactics Show Why Repetition is Crucial for Engagement

Email deployment, or the cadence of how frequently you send email marketing campaigns, is a subject matter I have given hours of thought to. And we’ll dive into this very issue, but first a story that sets the stage.

In the past, I have written about resending emails as a strategy, but that tactic does not cover your entire list; today’s lesson does!

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with a friend who is familiar with one of the email lists I manage. He started by praising the content, saying how great it is and thanking me for it. Humbled, I deflected the compliment and explained that it’s really the team’s success and that I work closely with this client on email strategy and execution.

He kept insisting on complimenting me, saying, “No, it’s really great. There’s always so much to read, even though I don’t always have the time. I love that the emails are packed with content, and I appreciate knowing that if I miss a good story today, sometimes it will reappear.”

I smiled and replied, “Well, that part I can take credit for. You see, initially, they only sent three emails per week, but I convinced them to go daily, allowing them to get more out of their content.”

Why Frequency Matters in Email Deployment

This change was a huge game-changer. As digital marketers — or any professionals immersed in their brand 24/7 — we often worry that we might be sending too many emails or recycling content too soon. However, the reality is that our readers and target audience have so much going on in their lives that they only have a few minutes a day, at best, to focus on our messages.

To put things into perspective, statistics show that the average lifespan of an email campaign is about 24-48 hours. During this window, the majority of opens and clicks happen, but after that, engagement drops significantly. By increasing the frequency of emails, we not only maximize the chances of reaching our audience but also ensure that key messages are reinforced and seen by those who might have missed them the first time around.

The Benefits of Daily Email Deployment

When we shifted from three emails a week to daily emails, we noticed several benefits:

  1. Increased Engagement: More frequent emails mean more opportunities for readers to interact with the content.
  2. Better Content Distribution: Important messages get repeated, increasing the likelihood they’ll be seen.
  3. Improved Brand Recall: Daily emails help keep the brand at the top of the recipient’s mind.

The Role of Repetitive Marketing Tactics

And it’s not just emails!

Repetitive marketing tactics play a crucial role in converting potential customers. Studies show that it takes an average of seven interactions with a brand before a consumer decides to make a purchase. This is why repetition is key in marketing. By consistently delivering messages, you increase the chances of your audience remembering and acting on them.

YouTube Ads: A Case Study in Repetition

A great example of repetitive marketing can be seen with YouTube ads. Have you ever noticed how certain ads keep reappearing while you’re watching videos? This is intentional.

Marketers know that most people don’t convert on their first experience with an ad. It often takes multiple exposures to the same message before a potential customer takes action. By repeatedly showing the same ads, YouTube ensures that the message sticks and eventually leads to conversions.

Common Concerns About Email Deployment & Frequency

Despite these benefits, many marketers hesitate to increase email frequency. Here are some common concerns and why they shouldn’t deter you:

Fear of Annoying Subscribers

It’s natural to worry that daily emails might annoy subscribers. However, as long as the content is valuable and relevant, most subscribers appreciate regular updates. If the content provides value, people will look forward to receiving it.

Managing Content Volume

Another concern is having enough content to send daily emails. This can be managed by repurposing existing content and planning ahead. For example, blog posts, social media updates, and company news can all be used in email campaigns.

How to Effectively Implement Daily Email Deployment

Plan Your Content

Creating a content calendar helps ensure a steady flow of emails without running out of material. Include a mix of content types, such as educational articles, promotional offers, and company news.

Schedule Emails in Advance

A holiday might be coming up next week, but it’s been on the calendar — well — forever! Email service provider tools, like ActiveCampaign and GetResponse, make email marketing a breeze and help manage daily email deployment efficiently, ensuring that emails are sent on schedule without hysteria and drama.

Monitor and Adjust

Track the performance of your emails to see what works best. Use metrics, especially click-through rates and conversion rates to guide your strategy. Adjust your approach based on what the data tells you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Won’t daily emails cause people to unsubscribe?
A: If the content is valuable and relevant, most subscribers will appreciate regular updates rather than feeling overwhelmed.

Q: How can I create enough content for daily emails?
A: Repurpose existing content and plan ahead with a content calendar. Use a mix of articles, promotions, and news to keep things fresh.

Q: How do I know if my emails are effective?
A: Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to adjust your strategy as needed.

Closing Thoughts on Email Deployment Strategies

As an experiment, I encourage you to sign up for daily newsletters and keep tabs on how long it takes for the top story to trickle down to the bottom of the email. Look at a real-world examples of effective email deployment.

Increasing email frequency can trigger a significant boost in engagement. The key to this success is largely due to the consistent delivery of valuable content that kept their audience engaged. And that can’t be stressed enough — consistency is king!

In conclusion, increasing the frequency of your email deployment can greatly benefit your engagement rates. By sending daily emails, you provide more opportunities for your audience to interact with your content. Remember, the key is to ensure that your emails offer value and relevance to your subscribers. Repetition in marketing, as seen with YouTube ads, is a powerful tool for conversion.

If you’re ready to boost your email strategy and see similar results, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me. Let’s discuss how we can tailor your email deployment to maximize engagement and achieve your marketing goals.

About the author

A sought-out keynote speaker and KOL, Shmuel Herschberg is a seasoned digital marketing executive, who lives and breathes online marketing channels like email and paid media. He is a fractional CMO and the founder of Shyn Media, a boutique agency that offers creative marketing automation, content strategy, and paid media services.

With over 20 years of experience, Shmuel possesses a unique blend of technological awareness coupled with strategic thinking and customer psychology. This enables him to translate customer needs into actionable, winning strategies. He also enjoys photography and mountain biking.


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Please note, the ideas and opinions expressed in this blog are entirely my own. My primary goal is to share insights, reviews, and tips that I believe will be valuable to my readers. In addition, certain posts may include affiliate links, meaning I could earn a commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase through them. This supports the blog but does not affect what I recommend. Thank you for your support!

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A Comprehensive GetResponse Review to Unlock Email Marketing Success

Dive into the world of email marketing with our GetResponse review, exploring its powerful features designed to elevate your campaigns. Discover how automation, analytics, and user-friendly design make GetResponse a top choice for marketers aiming for engagement and efficiency. This succinct guide offers all you need to know to transform your email strategies and achieve remarkable results.

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